Friday, January 24, 2020

Sales Training Spotlight: Driving a Sales Team towards Productivity

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991

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CEO Sales Investment: Do you get the ROI you Deserve?

By Peak Performance Training and Development

A Leader in CEO/Sales Management and Sales Training

Business Owners, Presidents and CEO’s: Do you Invest 100% of your Time, Energy and Money without the Return on Investment? CEO’s of sales organizations spend much of their time second guessing what they could have or should have done differently that would have produced a better result.
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Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth 

For example sales people you hire… yet do not produce, positive attitudes that slowly convert into excuses and justifications for poor performance surface followed by an environment of complacency that creates anemic sales activities and turnover all create a plateau effect.

Quite often traditional sales people sit back after all of the hours of prospecting, pitching, presenting, proposal writing and chasing and go over in their own minds why the prospect, who seemed so interested did not buy. The reasons that typically come to the surface are at the very least, predictable.

Your price is too high! We need to “Think about it”! We have decided to back burner this project for now! We have decided to stay with our current vendor! We went with your competition

Unless you take action to change the environment and your company's sales approach, you are in effect accepting status quo! Have you identified areas of inefficiency in your company? If these concerns have been consistent and constant this is simply acceptance of the problem.

To read this entire article and other Sales Effectivness writings in full please go to

CEO Sales Seminar:Transforming Lackluster/De-Motivated Sales People/Hiri...

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991

Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

CEO Sales Kit; Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact G...

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991

Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools