Learn why Top Producing Sales Performers are the highest paid of any occupation!
Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?
At Peak Performance Sales Training, we studied how the Top One Percent of Salespeople in 140 industries sold, VS the rest.
The Number One Differentiator
Nearly all sales people within the Top 1% utilized a consistent sales process when dealing with new and existing business. An analogy would be to look at the game of chess. Chess Masters do not simply sit down and wing it. They begin the game with a process: a series of moves to set up their opponent. To win in the game of chess one must be very calculated in their approach.
When you examine the stereotypical sales person, they are the direct opposite. Their follow the leader, wing-it approach puts them immediately on the defensive, and the chase is on.
Contact Peak Performance at 866-816-0991 to discuss options to resolve these issues within your company.
Top performers utilize a series of questions designed to get directly at what will move the buyer. Like a heat seeking missile they strategically probe the prospect, like a lawyer in a deposition focused in on getting the information they need.
To read this tip in full visit https://peakperformancesalestraining.us/content/did-you-know-top-producing-sales-performers-are-highest-paid-any-occupation
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