Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Top Producing Sales Performers

Learn why Top Producing Sales Performers are the highest paid of any occupation!

Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?
At Peak Performance Sales Training, we studied how the Top One Percent of Salespeople in 140 industries sold, VS the rest.
The Number One Differentiator
Nearly all sales people within the Top 1% utilized a consistent sales process when dealing with new and existing business.  An analogy would be to look at the game of chess. Chess Masters do not simply sit down and wing it. They begin the game with a process: a series of moves to set up their opponent. To win in the game of chess one must be very calculated in their approach.
When you examine the stereotypical sales person, they are the direct opposite. Their follow the leader, wing-it approach puts them immediately on the defensive, and the chase is on.
Contact Peak Performance at 866-816-0991 to discuss options to resolve these issues within your company.
Top performers utilize a series of questions designed to get directly at what will move the buyer. Like a heat seeking missile they strategically probe the prospect, like a lawyer in a deposition focused in on getting the information they need.
To read this tip in full visit

Friday, January 24, 2020

Complimentary CEO Growth Barrier Information Package

Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's: You invest more money into hiring and training more reps, invest in additional advertising and marketing, conduct more sales meetings— Are you achieving more productivity?

Regardless of how many rounds of golf your sales people play with prospects, or how many sale meetings or attempts you make to motivate your team, sales are simply not good. Now what?

Many Business Owners adversely impact their margins by dipping into the corporate pocketbook to implement a new bonus plan. At best this may elevate performance temporarily, only to have sales people fall back into their regular non-productive routine.

Some CEO's fall prey to the complaints and bad attitudes of sales people who say they have no leads, or no one to call. Opposed to dealing with the actual problem, poor closing skills, they again adversely impact their margins by investing into more advertising and marketing campaigns. They simple want you to spend more money for them to get more leads, to have more opportunity to close LESS business!

Business Owners: Request Your Complimentary Growth Barrier Information Package

Uncover the Top Sales & Growth Obstacles facing Business Owners


The Negative Impact of failure to change............To read the balance of this Tip and others please visit

The Difference Between Top Sales Performers and the Rest

The Ability to View Obstacles as Opportunity

Business Owners, CEO's and Presidents: Do your sales people have more excuses and reasons for failing to meet quotas? Or do they develop, implement and stick with a different and more productive course of action?

In these difficult economic times sales people become quite black and white. In other words the difference between top performers and rest becomes quite clear.

For those of you who find it difficult to differentiate between the two, let's look at a few differentiating factors.

To read this tip in full please visit

Confronting Sales Ineffectiveness You are going to have to do it sooner or later—What is the cost of doing it later?

Business Owners, Presidents and CEO’s: You invest more money into hiring and training more reps, invest in additional advertising and marketing, conduct more sales meetings— 

Are you achieving more productivity?

Get your Complimentary CEO Growth and Sales Barrier Tool Kit Please visit: to request your CEO Sales Tool Kit.

Looking for Top Sales Producers? 
Request Your Complimentary “Recruiting Top Producers” Information Package. Visit:
Regardless of how many rounds of golf your sales people play with prospects, or how many sales meetings or attempts you make to motivate your team, sales are simply not good. Now what?
Many Business Owners adversely impact their margins by dipping into the corporate pocketbook to implement a new bonus plan. At best this may elevate performance temporarily, only to have sales people fall back into their regular non-productive routine.

Some CEO’s fall prey to the complaints and bad attitudes of sales people who say they have no leads, or no one to call. Opposed to dealing with the actual problem, poor closing skills, they again adversely impact their margins by investing into more advertising and marketing campaigns. They simple want you to spend more money for them to get more leads, to have more opportunity to close LESS business!
The Negative Impact of failure to change

Sales in the late nineties were very predictable and just seemed to come to you. Sales today are anything but predictable and most sales people fail to go out and make it happen. Relying on a few rainmakers to attain sustainable growth these days just does not work. These rainmakers merely allow you to remain above water. Relying on past lackluster hiring criteria in order to increase the number of feet on the street also does little more than compound your sales problem.

The Difference Between Top Sales Performers and the Rest

The Ability to View Obstacles as Opportunity

Business Owners, CEO's and Presidents: Do your sales people have more excuses and reasons for failing to meet quotas? Or do they develop, implement and stick with a different and more productive course of action?

In these difficult economic times sales people become quite black and white. In other words the difference between top performers and rest becomes quite clear.

For those of you who find it difficult to differentiate between the two, let's look at a few differentiating factors.

To read this tip in full please visit

Impact on Sales! How can Business Owners Create an Immediate Impact on Revenue

 Impact on Sales
Every business... is in the business of sales; it is just that simple. However, there is a major difference between taking orders or managing existing accounts and developing a real sales culture that makes use of a consistent selling system.
Many companies, if not most, limit their growth and financial future by taking a hands-off or passive approach to sales. What they in effect are doing is placing their own financial future into the hands of their sales people. This is opposed to placing their sales people ,into a system of selling!
Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here
Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth with CEO Sales Tools
Take Actionable Steps | Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
The following Four steps are outlined to provide with a framework from which to begin.
1) Create, Implement and Consistently Utilize a Sales System.
Stop relying on Wing-It approach towards Sales.
Sales Process & Consistency = Sustainable Growth: Professional Sports Teams make use of a consistent offense, a consistent defense and an agreed-to set of plays. Without a Consistent Business Development Training Process, what you have are good people, with good intent who lack consistency in communicating, qualifying and closing new business! 
2) Create, Implement and Consistently Reinforce a Sales Culture...............

Read this tip in full at

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fort Lauderdale Area Sales Training Sales Training Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale Area Sales Training Sales Training Fort Lauderdale

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 610-653-2170 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Did you know that Top Producing Sales Performers are the Highest Paid of any Occupation?

Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?

Thursday, July 14, 2016

CEO Sales Barrier Information Kit | CEO's Attain Sustainable Sales Growth Sales Training Spotlight; CEO's Attain Sustainable Sales Growth Presidents, CEO’s and Business Owners Are you Frustrated by the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Mgmt. & Sales Recruiting? Request your CEO Sales Barrier Information Kit Visit By Peak Performance Training and Development Providing CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting Visit or call us direct at 866-816-0991

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Are the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management & Sales Recruiting...

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Peak Performance Training and Development Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools


Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight; CEO's Attain Sustainable Sales Growth

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight: CEO's Are you Stuck on the Sales Plateau?

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sales Training Spotlight: The Making of a Sales Expert

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training: Breaking the Self Destructive Cycle of Poor Sales Recrui...

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight: Driving a Sales Team towards Productivity

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight: CEO's Get your Free Leadership Sales Tools

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight: Dealing with Resistant Sales People

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

Sales Training Spotlight: Why Business Owners Get Stuck atop the Sales P...

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools