Showing posts with label leadership training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership training. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Top Producing Sales Performers

Learn why Top Producing Sales Performers are the highest paid of any occupation!

Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?
At Peak Performance Sales Training, we studied how the Top One Percent of Salespeople in 140 industries sold, VS the rest.
The Number One Differentiator
Nearly all sales people within the Top 1% utilized a consistent sales process when dealing with new and existing business.  An analogy would be to look at the game of chess. Chess Masters do not simply sit down and wing it. They begin the game with a process: a series of moves to set up their opponent. To win in the game of chess one must be very calculated in their approach.
When you examine the stereotypical sales person, they are the direct opposite. Their follow the leader, wing-it approach puts them immediately on the defensive, and the chase is on.
Contact Peak Performance at 866-816-0991 to discuss options to resolve these issues within your company.
Top performers utilize a series of questions designed to get directly at what will move the buyer. Like a heat seeking missile they strategically probe the prospect, like a lawyer in a deposition focused in on getting the information they need.
To read this tip in full visit

Friday, January 31, 2020

The Characteristics of Top Performing CEO’s

Top Performing CEO’s       

The stereotypes, or at least what we have been taught in the past, are CEOs who are extroverted, self-promoting risk takers; right? 
Is this definition actually accurate? So, what are the top characteristics that differentiate CEOs from other executives? And more importantly, which attributes separate Top Performing CEOs from the Rest?
Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here
Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth with CEO Sales Tools
Take Actionable Steps | Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
There has been a great deal of discussion and debate about CEOs and the attributes that define their success. This article was designed to help you, the CEO, better understand which traits actually support high performance, and which don’t! In today’s Global Competitive Environment and ever changing markets this question has never been more important. Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
Russell Reynolds Associates, one of the world’s leading executive search and leadership advisory firms, and Hogan Assessments, a global leader in personality assessment and leadership development announced a global partnership designed to increase the success rate of executive appointments and accelerate the development of rising leaders
The Evaluation: In their evaluation, they chose an in-depth approach, developing detailed profiles of 200 CEOs. They used the results of three established psychometric instruments: one which provides an overall measure of adult personality, including interpersonal skills, emotional factors, resiliency, and communication style; another which measures management and leadership style, including how people influence others, their approach to innovative thinking, and self-motivation; and finally one which measures areas for development or potential negative factors in managers, including their decision-making style.
The results demonstrated that intensity, an ability to prioritize and focus on real issues, and an ability to know one’s strengths and weaknesses (what one doesn’t know) (and to utilize the best in what others do know) are more strongly related to best-in-class CEO Leadership than traditional traits like being an extrovert or self-promotion.
The Findings: Their analysis uncovered that CEOs clearly differ when compared with others in Executive Positions and that two Characteristics stood out.
1) The ability to gauge and embrace necessary risks:
2) The ability to act and capitalizing on opportunities.
Have you found yourself hesitating or procrastinating with respect to potentially risking change, and or tackling roadblocks that would lead to opportunity? Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
They considered these characteristics the “core” of the CEO personality. In other words, a High Performing CEO is significantly less cautious and more likely to take action, when compared to other senior executives.
Have you taken action with respect to dealing with and holding your sales people accountable?
In addition, six other characteristics differentiate the typical CEO from other executives on a statistically significant basis:
• Drive and resilience
• Original thinking
• The ability to visualize the future
• Team building
• Being an active communicator
• The ability to catalyze others to action
It’s rare to have such detailed data related to the mindset of the CEO. It is even rarer to be able to link data to corporate performance.
In conclusion, they compared the results of Top Performing CEOs to less successful CEO’s, and identified that Top Performing CEOs stand out in three ways:
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Friday, January 24, 2020

The Ramifications of Business Owners not holding their Sales People Accountable

As a Business Owner you are held accountable everyday for everything. Rent, leases, advertising, salaries and commission. Whether sales come in…………..or Not! How quickly would a sales person fire you if your were consistently inaccurate with their pay…or slow to pay?
Call Peak Performance today to discuss how to get back on track…and stay on track. Call 610-653-2170
At Peak Performance Training & Development we find that one of the most difficult tasks for us as Sales Management Trainers is to actually get Business Owners, CEO’s and Presidents to stop and step outside the box in order to identify and uncover the root cause of their sales problems. Symptoms are easily identified and are typically what most Business Owners and Sales Managers spend most of their time on. However, unless the root cause of the symptoms is discovered—what you see, is what you get.
The Traditional Approach to Handling Sales Obstacles
Traditional Sales Training Organizations—those in the field of sales performance, those selling you technique based books, tapes, CDs and Seminar seats—focus solely on the symptoms. These symptoms include the failure to close, the inability to effectively prospect, the inability to differentiate your company from the competition, the failure to hold margins and so on. For those of you who have bought the books, tapes or CDs, or have attended sales seminars, motivational programs and even boot camps, known as Impact Training in the past, you may agree with the following.........

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Uncover the Top Sales & Growth Obstacles facing Business Owners


Sales Training Spotlight: Why Business Owners Get Stuck atop the Sales P...

Peak Performance Training and DevelopmentProviding Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingCEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991 Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools

CEO Frustration | Why CEO's Fail in the Game of Sales

ceo frustration
Let’s face it. CEO’s do not fail based on bad intent. CEO Frustration however is prevelant. We all do what we do because we think it’s the right thing to do. However, is it, and has it been the most profitable thing for you to do? 
One Major reason for CEO Frustration: Bad Sales Execution!  It is just that simple: failure to hold themselves and their sales people to the high level of commitment necessary to get things done; being indecisive, not delivering on sales goals and commitments.This is despite the fact that most CEO’s tend to be highly intelligent, dedicated, and accomplished. They worked hard, make sacrifices, and may have performed for years at a time.
Where does the CEO go wrong?  The number one reason for CEO Frustration is that often they fail o put the right sales people in the right jobs--and the related failure to deal head on with consistent sales skill or sales attitudinal issues upfront. Specifically, failed CEO's are often unable to deal with sales people whose sustained poor performance deeply impacts the company. What is so alarming is that many CEO's usually know there's a problem; their inner voice is telling them, but they suppress it. Now, they may not know the actually root cause of the problem, however they are well aware of the constant ramification. Often those around the CEO recognize the problem first because many CEO’s are so deeply entrenched in the day to day operations of the business. Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
Additionally, CEO’s tend to constantly create an environment where everything appears to be ok, and avoid bringing up situations that may cause alarm; unknowingly compounding the problem. CEO’s rationalization and create their own excuses which are a mechanism for avoidance. Here are just a few:
1. "I like this guy!" Often, Small Business Owners create an environment much like a fraternity. The problem of blind loyalty shows up which clouds judgement and seriously impedes a Business Owners ability to take corrective actions.
2. "I can fix him." Keep something in mind – You hired him! Therefore, you were the one who in all likelihood failed to identify or recognize these same sales weaknesses that you personally must fix!
3. How Sales Interviews Backfire! Understand something about the interviewing process. More often than not while in the interviewing process you hear that voice, you know the one, in the back of your head telling you “I like this guy” when in fact-you ARE like this guy. We all tend to subconsciously hire people we are behaviorally similar to; resulting often in us hiring people with similar sales strengths and similar sales weaknesses! How are you going to fix something, that happens to be your own weakness?
GE's Jack Welch loved to spot people early, follow them, grow them, and stretch them in jobs of increasing complexity. "We spend all our time on people," he says. "The day we screw up the people thing, this company is over."
Read this article in full at

Impact on Sales! How can Business Owners Create an Immediate Impact on Revenue

 Impact on Sales
Every business... is in the business of sales; it is just that simple. However, there is a major difference between taking orders or managing existing accounts and developing a real sales culture that makes use of a consistent selling system.
Many companies, if not most, limit their growth and financial future by taking a hands-off or passive approach to sales. What they in effect are doing is placing their own financial future into the hands of their sales people. This is opposed to placing their sales people ,into a system of selling!
Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here
Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth with CEO Sales Tools
Take Actionable Steps | Click Here to Call 866-816-0991
The following Four steps are outlined to provide with a framework from which to begin.
1) Create, Implement and Consistently Utilize a Sales System.
Stop relying on Wing-It approach towards Sales.
Sales Process & Consistency = Sustainable Growth: Professional Sports Teams make use of a consistent offense, a consistent defense and an agreed-to set of plays. Without a Consistent Business Development Training Process, what you have are good people, with good intent who lack consistency in communicating, qualifying and closing new business! 
2) Create, Implement and Consistently Reinforce a Sales Culture...............

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Did you know that Top Producing Sales Performers are the Highest Paid of any Occupation?

Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?

Did you know that Top Producing Sales Performers are the Highest Paid of any Occupation?

Higher than Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers, and in many cases, they earn more than the CEO!
The problem is that 95% of all sales producers earn less than $100,000 income per year!
So, what differentiates the top sales producers from the rest?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Attaining Sales Growth | Getting off the Sales Plateau!

Attaining Sales Growth | Getting off the Sales Plateau!

The number one reason why sales organizations fail to attain sustainable sales growth could be debated for years without a consensus. We will provide you our opinion which comes with decades of experience dealing with sales organizations in over 140 industries. First, we must take into consideration that we now work and sell in an environment which is extremely competitive and un-loyal at best.

Skeptical buyers, budget constraints and employee turnover now make for a selling environment which is more difficult than it has ever been; that is for those who continue to use outdated traditional selling methodology. If you find yourself struggling to compete, or often lose sales you should be closing, call us direct at 866-816-0991.
Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here
Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth 
Take Actionable Steps | For Immediate Help Contact us at  +1 866 816 0991
The number one reason for the failure to attain real sustainable growth can and must be dealt with at the point of first contact. You as a Business Owner experience the point of first contact with any sales person in the interview. At Peak Performance part of what we do is unconventional sales and sales management recruiting. What we mean by unconventional is that we do not make a decision based a resume or our gut feelings towards any particular candidate. We utilize a process which involves certain steps used to eliminate what in most cases ends up being a very expensive mistake for most companies.
Reason for Failure: The inability to clearly and effectively differentiate themselves from the rest. One of those steps is to identify a candidates ability to clearly and effectively differentiate themselves from the rest. All sales candidates will tell you they can sell, or that “you won’t be sorry”. Well, most of you reading this article are smart enough and experienced enough not to fall for these expected and inevitable sales cliches.
Therefore we want you to go deeper.
The following question must be asked of any candidate, in particular for those of you who happen to sell a product or service that tends to be commoditized. The questioned posed to each candidate is this?
"If you were put in a room with nine competitors, competing for one job the following might occur should you be in front of a savvy buyer. He or she might just pose a difficult question to you. I would like for you to respond to the following question."
And that question is: "Why you?" | "What makes you so special?" | "How is it that you are different from anyone else sitting at this table?"
The inevitable and expected answers do not at all differentiate these candidates, but in fact, commodotizes them!
The answers sound like this:
To read this tip in full Go Here

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Biggest Sales Obstacle that Impacts Sales Success!

The Biggest Sales Obstacle that Impacts Sales Success!

Are you Questioning yourself on how to Attain Sustainable Growth?

Then ask yourself why Richard Branson, Leonardo DaVinci, and Mozart achieve 10,000 times more than any of us, mere mortals? Could it be luck, natural skill or something called Self-Management.

Self-Management is the art of effectively managing ourselves, something that does not come naturally. In fact, it isn’t easy as you must learn to identify your natural behavior and then consistently curb Counter-Productive Behavior.
Today you have all the opportunities in the world at your fingertips, in particular those of you who own a company. But the degree in which you attain your real goals, all hinges on your ability to identify weaknesses, deal head on with sales obstacles and consistently self-manage. 

Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here

Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth

Take Actionable Steps | For Immediate Help Contact us at  +1 866 816 0991

It begins with being completely open minded in order to identify your true strengths and weaknesses. Most Business Owners think they know what they are good at; and they are usually wrong.

Business Owners can perform only from strength. You cannot build performance on weakness—therefore it is critical that you identify your weaknesses and personal sales obstacles in order to begin to curb counter-productive behavior.

Look back at your past failures. Past failures did not occur because of lack of discipline, desire or willpower. These failures often occurred because of your inability to identify what you were truly good at.

We think we know our own strengths. For example, how many times have you interviewed and hired a sales person who emphasized throughout the interviewing process, that they were a closer! Only to find out  that this person’s closing ability were non-existent, or should we say, limited ….. to YOU, during the interview! Yet we continue to rely on this same hiring process despite our past failures! Call us direct at 866-816-0991

Illusory Superiority and the devastating Impact to your Bottom Line: The human mind is complex and is built to trick us. Scientists and Psychologists have known this for years. It is referred to as "Illusory Superiority". It is a Cognitive Bias whereby individuals overestimate their own qualities, relative to others. Illusory superiority is often referred to as the above average effect.

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CEO Frustration | Why CEO's Fail in the Game of Sales

Let’s face it. CEO’s do not fail based on bad intent. We all do what we do because we think it’s the right thing to do. However, is it, and has it been the most profitable thing for you to do?
One Major reason for Failure: Bad Sales Execution!  It is just that simple: failure to hold themselves and their sales people to the high level of commitment necessary to get things done, being indecisive, not delivering on pre-agreed to sales goals and commitments.This is despite the fact that most CEO’s tend to be highly intelligent, articulate, dedicated, and accomplished. They worked hard, make sacrifices, and may have performed for years at a time.
Where does the CEO go wrong?  The number one reason is their failure to put the right sales people in the right jobs--and the related failure to deal head on with consistent sales skill or sales attitudinal issues upfront. Specifically, failed CEO's are often unable to deal with sales people whose sustained poor performance deeply impacts the company. What is so alarming is that many CEO's usually know there's a problem; their inner voice is telling them, but they suppress it. Now, they may not know the actually root cause of the problem, however they are well aware of the constant ramification. Often those around the CEO recognize the problem first because many CEO’s are so deeply entrenched in the day to day operations of the business. Call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991
Additionally, CEO’s tend to constantly create an environment everything appears to be ok and avoid bringing up situations that may cause alarm; unknowingly compounding the problem. CEO’s rationalization and create their own excuses which are a mechanism for avoidance. Here are just a few:
1. "I like this guy!" Often, small Business Owners create an environment much like a fraternity. The problem of blind loyalty shows up which cloud judgement and serious impede a Business Owners ability to take corrective actions.
2. "I can fix him." Keep something in mind – You hired him! Therefore, you were the one who in all likelihood failed to identify or recognize these same sales weaknesses that you personally must fix!
3. How Sales Interviews Backfire! Understand something about the interviewing process. More often than not while in the interviewing process you hear that voice, you know the one, in the back of your head telling you “I like this guy” when in fact-you ARE like this guy. We all tend to subconsciously hire people we are behaviorally similar to; resulting often in us hiring people with similar sales strengths and similar sales weaknesses! How are you going to fix something, that happens to be your own weakness?
GE's Jack Welch loved to spot people early, follow them, grow them, and stretch them in jobs of increasing complexity. "We spend all our time on people," he says. "The day we screw up the people thing, this company is over."
Read this tip in full at

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Attaining Sales Growth | Getting off the Sales Plateau!

Attaining Sales Growth | Getting off the Sales Plateau!

The number one reason why sales organizations fail to attain sustainable sales growth could be debated for years without a consensus. We will provide you our opinion which comes with decades of experience dealing with sales organizations in over 140 industries. First, we must take into consideration that we now work and sell in an environment which is extremely competitive and un-loyal at best.

Skeptical buyers, budget constraints and employee turnover now make for a selling environment which is more difficult than it has ever been; that is for those who continue to use outdated traditional selling methodology. If you find yourself struggling to compete, or often lose sales you should be closing, call us direct at 866-816-0991.
Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here
Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth 
Take Actionable Steps | For Immediate Help Contact us at  +1 866 816 0991
The number one reason for the failure to attain real sustainable growth can and must be dealt with at the point of first contact. You as a Business Owner experience the point of first contact with any sales person in the interview. At Peak Performance part of what we do is unconventional sales and sales management recruiting. What we mean by unconventional is that we do not make a decision based a resume or our gut feelings towards any particular candidate. We utilize a process which involves certain steps used to eliminate what in most cases ends up being a very expensive mistake for most companies.
Reason for Failure: The inability to clearly and effectively differentiate themselves from the rest. One of those steps is to identify a candidates ability to clearly and effectively differentiate themselves from the rest. All sales candidates will tell you they can sell, or that “you won’t be sorry”. Well, most of you reading this article are smart enough and experienced enough not to fall for these expected and inevitable sales cliches.
Therefore we want you to go deeper.
The following question must be asked of any candidate, in particular for those of you who happen to sell a product or service that tends to be commoditized. The questioned posed to each candidate is this?
"If you were put in a room with nine competitors, competing for one job the following might occur should you be in front of a savvy buyer. He or she might just pose a difficult question to you. I would like for you to respond to the following question."
And that question is: "Why you?" | "What makes you so special?" | "How is it that you are different from anyone else sitting at this table?"
The inevitable and expected answers do not at all differentiate these candidates, but in fact, commodotizes them!
The answers sound like this:
To read this tip in full Go Here