Monday, February 13, 2017

CEO Frustration | Why CEO's Fail in the Game of Sales

Let’s face it. CEO’s do not fail based on bad intent. We all do what we do because we think it’s the right thing to do. However, is it, and has it been the most profitable thing for you to do?
One Major reason for Failure: Bad Sales Execution!  It is just that simple: failure to hold themselves and their sales people to the high level of commitment necessary to get things done, being indecisive, not delivering on pre-agreed to sales goals and commitments.This is despite the fact that most CEO’s tend to be highly intelligent, articulate, dedicated, and accomplished. They worked hard, make sacrifices, and may have performed for years at a time.
Where does the CEO go wrong?  The number one reason is their failure to put the right sales people in the right jobs--and the related failure to deal head on with consistent sales skill or sales attitudinal issues upfront. Specifically, failed CEO's are often unable to deal with sales people whose sustained poor performance deeply impacts the company. What is so alarming is that many CEO's usually know there's a problem; their inner voice is telling them, but they suppress it. Now, they may not know the actually root cause of the problem, however they are well aware of the constant ramification. Often those around the CEO recognize the problem first because many CEO’s are so deeply entrenched in the day to day operations of the business. Call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991
Additionally, CEO’s tend to constantly create an environment everything appears to be ok and avoid bringing up situations that may cause alarm; unknowingly compounding the problem. CEO’s rationalization and create their own excuses which are a mechanism for avoidance. Here are just a few:
1. "I like this guy!" Often, small Business Owners create an environment much like a fraternity. The problem of blind loyalty shows up which cloud judgement and serious impede a Business Owners ability to take corrective actions.
2. "I can fix him." Keep something in mind – You hired him! Therefore, you were the one who in all likelihood failed to identify or recognize these same sales weaknesses that you personally must fix!
3. How Sales Interviews Backfire! Understand something about the interviewing process. More often than not while in the interviewing process you hear that voice, you know the one, in the back of your head telling you “I like this guy” when in fact-you ARE like this guy. We all tend to subconsciously hire people we are behaviorally similar to; resulting often in us hiring people with similar sales strengths and similar sales weaknesses! How are you going to fix something, that happens to be your own weakness?
GE's Jack Welch loved to spot people early, follow them, grow them, and stretch them in jobs of increasing complexity. "We spend all our time on people," he says. "The day we screw up the people thing, this company is over."
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