Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Major Sales Management Factors that Lead to Poor Sales Performance


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By Peak Performance Training and Development A Leader in Sales, Sales Management and CEO Training

Visit www.peakperformancesalestraining.com or call us direct at 866-816-0991

How often do you find yourself questioning why your company is consistently not hitting its sales goals? For most Business Owners and Presidents, this is not because of lack of effort or time spent attempting to drive business.

Jack Welch, former CEO of GE said: “When you take on a leadership role, it’s no longer about you, it’s about them.”

What Jack said was this; It doesn’t matter how good you are or how effective you may be or have been in the past, what matters is how effective and productive you can make the individuals that you decide to hire and keep on your sales team.

Presidents, Business Owners, Sales Directors: In order to identify the non productive habits your sales team relies on, you must first identify the common problems they face.
Please visit our CEO Growth Diagnostic at: http://peakperformancesalestraining.com/CEOSolutions/ComplimentaryCEODia…allowing you to uncover the real sales gaps causing sales ineffectiveness.

One of the major factors that leads to poor sales performance is the Inability to Transfer Selling Skills to others. Sales managers often move into a sales management role because of their ability to identify and win business. Selling skills, past selling success or even your current ability to personally drive business, is of no use or value to your organization if you cannot transfer these selling skills to your team and convert them into productivity.One major factor that Business Owners and Presidents must understand that leads to poor sales performance, is not understanding or identifying the differences in sales manager types.

The Difference Between the Field Manager, the Corporate Manager & The Effective Manager……… To read the balance of this and other CEO Tips please visit http://www.peakperformancesalestraining.com/content/major-sales-management-factors-lead-poor-sales-performance

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Have you hit the #Sales Plateau? Free CEO Growth Tool Kit | Sales Management Tools http://ow.ly/wnGux

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Driving a Sales Team Towards Productivity


Driving Sales PerformanceGet your Complimentary CEO Growth and Sales Barrier Tool Kit Please visit:http://ow.ly/B8y4q to request your CEO Sales Tool Kit.

Looking for Top Sales Producers? Request Your Complimentary“Recruiting Top Producers” Information Package. Visit:http://ow.ly/B8yMw


Many believe that Companies actually have a Corporate Culture, when what they have in place is Corporate Behavior, in otherwords a way of doing things. Read on to uncover how your Corporate Behavior may be an anchor to growth!

Do your sales people tend to “manage established accounts” or develop new ones? Do they tend to over “service” at the expense of under-selling? Is your focus on quality or driving your corporate bottom line and profit margin? If so call us today at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options to get you on track with sustainable performance.

Most people don’t realize that the sales culture within an organization is actually built upon the beliefs and routines of those who manage the company. If you happen to be a Business Owner, President, CEO or Sales Manager, then that would be you…please read on.

Do you believe in solidifying, managing and maintaining established relationships or developing new ones? This can, in a down economy be the difference between getting stuck atop the “sales plateau” or achieving real growth. With that understanding, you have infused both good and bad practices. These practices (Corporate Culture) generally come from two different areas: 1) Your Success, 2) Your Behavior

Call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options or Request your Complimentary CEO Growth Barrier Kit Visithttp://www.peakperformancesalestraining.com/CEOSolutions/CEOToolKit

Presidents and Business Owners, take our complimentary CEO Diagnostic at:http://www.peakperformancesalestraining.com/CEOSolutions/ComplimentaryCE… to uncover the gaps in sales and sales management inefficiency that create anchors to your success and growth.

To read the balance of the tip please visit http://www.peakperformancesalestraining.com/content/driving-sales-team-towards-productivity