Sales Training: A Leader in CEO/Executive, Sales and Sales Management Training Providing CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us direct at 610-653-2170 Visit to obtain CEO Growth Tools
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The Making of an Expert!
Sales Stagnation: The Negative Impact of Failing to Act on Uncertainty
Running a sales organization includes taking on risks on a day to day basis. Challenging sales people, holding them accountable to day to day productive sales behavior and even terminating those who do not perform, well, that IS your job. However fear of change and more importantly concerns over how sales people may accept these changes negatviely impacts business like no other obstacle.
This tip will explore three major mental barriers to Sales Success To read this tip in full visit
Effectively dealing with Resistant Sales People Part 1
The economy is changing, buyers are more skeptical and you are working harder and longer for the same or less revenue. You have concluded the necessity for or have been asked to lead a change initiative. The problem identified is that what you or your organization have been relying business development specific simply is not working to the point where you can gain the traction necessary to get to the next level. The time, energy, effort and desire are present, however real change and the results are not.
Business Owners: Are you facing Growth Obstacles, Stagnant Sales or an Inconsistent approach to Business Development that have you stuck on the Sales Plateau?
How much of a role do you play in your own level of dissatisfaction?
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Change triggers fear reactions and these reactions can lead to resistance. Understanding the fears the cause resistance to change will help you to find communication strategies to reduce the amount of resistance that can impede you from achieving the results you desire.
So, you are going over the same thing with the same sales people each Monday morning, right. They nod, smile and acknowledge your advice however by Tuesday you find them exhibiting the same counterproductive behavior we were discussing the day before!
First let’s understand the cause. Sales people resist change because of a variety of reasons. For the balance of this Tip Please Visit the Peak Performance CEO Sales Blog at
Complimentary CEO Growth Barrier Information Package