Friday, July 15, 2016

Sales Stagnation: The Negative Impact of Failing to Act on Uncertainty

Sales Stagnation

Business Owners: Running a Sales Organization includes taking on risks on a day to day basis. Challenging sales people, holding them accountable to day to day productive sales behavior and even terminating those who do not perform, well, that IS your job. However fear of change and more importantly concerns over how sales people may accept these changes negatively impacts business like no other obstacle,causing sales stagnation. Once you have drawn the conclusion that change is in order you must first understand the mental barriers that arise that sabotage your ability to carry out the changes needed to get into gear.
1) Relying on Hope: Many Business Owners imagine or hope for a return to a proactive sales environment that will relieve them of doing what they know must be done! If you know it must be done stop waiting and take action.
Business Owners: Request your Free CEO Sales Barrier Info Kit Visit
2) Fear Driven Response: Some business owners feel the need to protect others against risks … known and unknown. They fail to address or hold sales people accountable to productive day to day sales behavior necessary to yield results. This is analogous to an NFL Coach who fails to enforce practice routines yet wonders why they cannot win on the field! This fear-driven response to the problem narrows their options, and in many cases creates an organization-wide paralysis that nearly certainly leads to the sales plateau, sales decay or ultimately insolvency. If you’re not acting to implement change then you are simply allowing your company to remain in a state of growth paralysis.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sales Consulting VS Unpaid Consulting | Unpaid Consulting and the Impact to Your Bottom Line!

Sales Consulting VS Unpaid Consulting: Unpaid consulting starts when sales people cross the line between diagnosing the prospect’s problem and detailing the solution. In other words the sales person provides a solution without first uncovering the negative effects the prospect suffered in the past and future negative effects the prospect will incur if the problem isn't fixed. This eagerness to provide premature solutions can be attributed to the traditional sales training provided by most companies to new sales recruits:

Feature-Benefit based training. Therefore, unknowingly companies put their sales people in a position where they automatically try to fix a problem the prospect has not yet concluded requires a fee based solution.

Business Owners; Request your CEO Sales Barrier Tool Kit Visit

When sales people begin to present detailed solutions without first allowing the prospect to acknowledge a problem exists, and that this problem merits a solution they immediately begin acting as unpaid consultants rather than real Sales Consultants. It is this common sales method that wastes your company’s time and money and reduces your opportunity for growth.

Call Peak Performance direct at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options! The Trusted Advisor:

The most successful salespeople are not salespeople at all. In fact they are seen as trusted advisors or sales consultants.

Are your sales people seen by your prospects as trusted advisors or as an interruption to their busy day? And if so what is the cost to your company?

For example, read this tip in full visit

Top Sales Performers The Difference Between Top Sales People & the Rest

Top Sales Performers: The Ability to View Obstacles as Opportunity

Business Owners, CEO's and Presidents: Do your sales people have more excuses and reasons for failing to meet quotas? Or do they develop, implement and stick with a different and more productive course of action?

In these difficult economic times sales people become quite black and white. In other words the difference between top performers and rest becomes quite clear.

For those of you who find it difficult to differentiate between the two, let’s look at a few differentiating factors.

1) Externalization: The average sales person often fails to look within. They fail to look in the mirror to determine where they went wrong and what change must be made. Instead they externalize their problems. Externalization comes in various forms.

My manager is terrible

• The economy is impossible

• Our pricing is just too high

• My clients have no money

• Our leads don’t convert

If you find yourself, or your sales people externalizing, rather than internalizing, identifying and acknowledging areas in need of improvement, contact Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991

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Sales Behavior: Have Sales Activities Dropped to Anemic Levels?

Sales Activities: Performance Standards & Metrics combined with a New Sales Course of Action Drives Sales Production.
Without performance standards and real sales metrics your sales organization is at the mercy of a “Wing-It” sales approach and negative attitudes that come with the negative economic conditions we currently face. Sales people all do what they do (sales activities) with good intent and because they believe… it is the right thing to do! However is it the most productive thing to do? We as human beings are habitual. And habits form routines. As sales people we all form a subconscious sales approach, exhibiting sales behavior or a sales routine. Parts of this sales behavior are naturally effective and parts of which are not.
The problem here looks obvious, however there is more to consider. In extreme conditions (some may say we are currently in extreme economic conditions) we as human beings do not change. Instead we become extreme in our behavior. Like a hamster we jump on the treadmill and run faster, yet we remain fat and never seem to get out of the cage!
Business Owners, take our Complimentary CEO Diagnostic at: to uncover the gaps in Sales Management inefficiency that create anchors to your success and growth.
One major factor to consider is that sales people for example, who focus and rely on networking, become extreme in their mindset and behavior when conditions become extreme. They simply do more networking opposed to taking a multi-faceted approach which may include prospecting within their existing core client base or cold calling to open new opportunities.This in turn has management going over the same thing with the same sales people without a change in mindset, habit, routine or result! CEO’s
To Identify Sales Constraints that negatively impact you bottom line visit
The answer is NOT to continue to do more of what doesn’t work. The solution is change. Business Owners must realize that as human beings we also resort to extreme behavior when we are subjected to extreme conditions (lagging sales in a negative economy). Our natural reaction to anemic behavior and lagging sales is to DO MORE, rather do different. Your sales people have either reduced their day to day activities, in particular in this negative economy. In some cases behavior has been reduced to anemic levels or none at all.
The Solution : Read this tip in full at