Break the self-destructive cycle of poor hiring decisions
After all, the majority of your time is dedicated to these poor hires not to the #top producers. Why is it when we initially hire a new sales person, we have such high hopes for their ability and future production levels only to be disappointed down the road? Your gut feeling was that this was the one. However this was merely another one who cost you time, energy and money. How much has it cost you? How much will it cost you going forward?
Presidents and Business Owners, take our Complimentary CEO Diagnostic to uncover the gaps in sales and sales management inefficiency that create anchors to your success and growth.
Frustrations Associated with #Hiring
In an economy
infested with contracting capital budgets, cynical decision-makers, and
sales professionals with poor outlook and morale, selecting the right
sales person is vital to your bottom line. #Hiring practices today
require a novel approach that cuts through all the time-consuming
feel-good bonding and gets right to the root of who WILL sell, as
opposed to those who have sold.
Most Business Owners are frustrated by:
- The high rate of sales staff turnover.
- Their high expectations being met with low productivity levels.
- Sales people who constantly drain their company of time, money and energy.
- Sales people who spend more time making friends than money.
- The investment of time, energy and capital to get sales people in front of decision-makers only for inadequate results in return.
- Spending the majority of their time, energy and money (turnover) on the weakest sales people—those who consistently fail to confront objections, side with the prospect's reasons for deferring the sale, and who build a particularly bloated pipeline.
For more on
modifying #sales routines, implementing sales criteria/process and
attitudinal #training contact Peak Performance today at 1-610-878-9400.
Hoping your team will change is not an option. Visit CEO Problem Diagnostic