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Step One —Acknowledging sales weaknesses
When people first come to the conclusion that they need improvement in certain areas of their lives they go through a multi-step process. The first step is always Acknowledgement. A person cannot begin the process of effectuating change until he or she acknowledges the need for change in a certain area, or that a certain aspect of life or business is not yielding the results desired from the efforts put forth.
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Step Two—Stop externalizing your sales problems!
The second phase of the process if known as Externalization—On the surface this phase appears to contradict the Acknowledgement phase as people take the natural direction offirst looking at factors other than themselves in order to determine why they are not getting the results they feel they deserve.
For example, when a business owner recognizes that change must occur within the organization, they tend to blame economic or market conditions for their current results. Often they will point fingers at what they see as a complacent sales team, without acknowledging the responsibility of those who hired these people initially and those responsible for managing, motivating and providing the sales advice and structure required for the effective performance of a sales team?