Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Impact to Business Owners of the Ineffective Sales Person Final Vers...

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Executable Strategies that Target the Problems 
inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

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The Impact on your Bottom Line due to Commoditization: Products and Services Don't Commoditize; Sales People DO!


By Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

Why do so many sales people jump through hoops to get the prospect’s attention then deliver a stellar presentation, only to have the prospect go with a competitor who comes in at a lower price? To learn more call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991

Are your products/services overpriced? Are your competition’s offerings under priced?

Why does the prospect perceive your product as a mere commodity—easily replaceable by any number of competitive products?

To read the balance of this tip please visit



Leadership Tools and Resources

Business Owners, Presidents and CEOs
In Need of Leadership Tool? Do you feel like you’re banging nails in the wall with your forehead?
What Growth Tools are you unaware of that could help you build a profitable business?
Get your Free, No Risk, No Obligation Consultation today
• Identify the degree of Untapped Sales Potential
• Identify specific sales weaknesses and WHY
• Get Viable Options – The “O” in Power is “Options
Call Peak Performance at 866-816-0991 or visit:

Driving a Sales Team Towards Productivity

Driving Sales Performance

Get your Complimentary CEO Growth and Sales Barrier Tool Kit Please visit: to request your CEO Sales Tool Kit.

Looking for Top Sales Producers? Request Your Complimentary“Recruiting Top Producers” Information Package. Visit:
Many believe that Companies actually have a Corporate Culture, when what they have in place is Corporate Behavior, in otherwords a way of doing things. Read on to uncover how your Corporate Behavior may be an anchor to growth!
Do your sales people tend to “manage established accounts” or develop new ones? Do they tend to over “service” at the expense of under-selling? Is your focus on quality or driving your corporate bottom line and profit margin? If so call us today at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options to get you on track with sustainable performance.
Most people don’t realize that the sales culture within an organization is actually built upon the beliefs and routines of those who manage the company. If you happen to be a Business Owner, President, CEO or Sales Manager, then that would be you…please read on.
Do you believe in solidifying, managing and maintaining established relationships or developing new ones? This can, in a down economy be the difference between getting stuck atop the “sales plateau” or achieving real growth. 
With that understanding, you have infused both good and bad practices. These practices (Corporate Culture) generally come from two different areas: 1) Your Success, 2) Your Behavior
Call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options or Request your Complimentary CEO Growth Barrier Kit 

Presidents and Business Owners, take our complimentary CEO Diagnostic at:… to uncover the gaps in sales and sales management inefficiency that create anchors to your success and growth.
To read the balance of the tip please visit