Friday, January 24, 2020

Impact on Sales! How can Business Owners Create an Immediate Impact on Revenue

 Impact on Sales
Every business... is in the business of sales; it is just that simple. However, there is a major difference between taking orders or managing existing accounts and developing a real sales culture that makes use of a consistent selling system.
Many companies, if not most, limit their growth and financial future by taking a hands-off or passive approach to sales. What they in effect are doing is placing their own financial future into the hands of their sales people. This is opposed to placing their sales people ,into a system of selling!
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The following Four steps are outlined to provide with a framework from which to begin.
1) Create, Implement and Consistently Utilize a Sales System.
Stop relying on Wing-It approach towards Sales.
Sales Process & Consistency = Sustainable Growth: Professional Sports Teams make use of a consistent offense, a consistent defense and an agreed-to set of plays. Without a Consistent Business Development Training Process, what you have are good people, with good intent who lack consistency in communicating, qualifying and closing new business! 
2) Create, Implement and Consistently Reinforce a Sales Culture...............

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Sales Training Spotlight: Why Sales Producers Fail to Produce

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991

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The Reasons Why Companies Fail to Sell

Why do Sales Organizations Fail to Consistently Sell or Create Sustainable Growth?

There are many reasons for failure however the barriers outlined below are the most common. While any one point listed below can lead to failure it is generally a combination which cause sales failure.
1. Over-Reliance on the Business Owner: In many Small Businesses, the Owner has a huge influence over day-to-day operations. They not only manage and control most of the company’s activities but they also use their past connections and efforts to generate most, if not all of the company’s new business opportunities. Call us direct at 866-816-0991.
In many cases, most of the Company’s core business and profits have been developed by the Business Owner. The Business Owner, in his attempts to get to the next level now hires sales people. After the interviewing and training phases are completed, these accounts are then handed down to these sales reps, who at best, manage the accounts opposed to growing the accounts.
Read this tip in full at

Are the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management

Peak Performance Training and Development

Providing Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting

CEO's Take Actionable Steps Call us Direct at 866-816-0991

Or Visit to obtain Growth Tools