Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Seven Deadly Growth Sins of CEO’s

By Peak Performance Training and Development. 
A Leader in CEO/Sales and Sales Management Training. 
Business Owners: Have you been questioning your approach toward business development? Is there a correlation between your approach and the results that have you frustrated?

In an economy infested with contracting capital budgets, cynical decision-makers, and sales professionals with poor outlook and morale, managing (changing) yourself, your company and your sales people is critical to your bottom line.

In an extreme environment, Presidents, Business Owners and CEO’s often fail to implement and enforce change. Instead they resort to extreme behavior!

Which of the following common but ineffective and costly sales management approaches have you unknowingly been using?

1.         Accepting the excuse that the poor sales performance is a result of the economy, and wait out the storm rather than implementing real change to increase sales.

2.         Although a victim of expensive turnover, you continue to hire using the same criteria believing that your sales superstar is just around the corner!

To read the balance of this Tip Please Visit

Are you in need of Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting?

Request Your Complimentary 

CEO Growth Barrier Information Package

Uncover the Top Sales & Growth Obstacles facing Business Owners

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Peak Performance Training & Development A Leader in 

CEO/Executive, Sales & Sales Management Training 
is proud to provide you with our Complimentary 
Sales Management Information Package. 

Most Presidents, CEO’s, Business Owners and Sales Directors want to remove the Major Obstacles to Growth.
This kit will provide you with answers to the problems
inherent in Hiring, Managing and Motivating Sales People.

Through This Kit You Will Discover:                                  

  • Why Business Owners,are working longer and harder, investing more money to stay afloat yet their sales people remain stuck in neutral.
  • Why sales people fail to proactively prospect to identify and close new business.
  • Why Business Owners, Presidents and CEOs go over the same thing w/the same people w/out a change in their habits, routine or results!
  • Why anemic behavior and a complacent environment has taken hold ... and how to prevent it.
  • Why we convert Decision Makers into procrastinators and spend time chasing prospects!

Request Your Complimentary CEO Sales Management Info Package Now!


Serious Growth Symptoms that indicate Business Owners need a directional Change.

Often it begins with a Business Owner having a feeling that things are not good.

Because of the consistency in problems they become conditioned and often consciously unaware of what is happening. However the feeling remains.

It is analogous to a parent who becomes conditioned to a badly behaved child you simply refuses to clean his or her room. What is imperative is that Business Owners actually come to the realization that these problems are real, and do not go away on their own. Certain incremental actions can and will brings these problems under control. However failure to recognize and acknowledge these issues creates a downward spiral that can become unmanagable.

·         Constant Managerial Frustration based on relying on a Wing it Approach to Sales as opposed to a Consistent, Effective, Productive and Duplicatable Sales Process

 ·         Built up resentment based on numerous attempts to motivate de-motivated sales people who lack initiative, direction and effective follow up

For the full tip text and balance of these serious problematic indicators please visit

CEO's & Business Owners How your Sales Course of Action becomes either your Companies Anchor or Catalyst for Growth.


All CEO’s face constant forks in the road as they navigate their business through changing economic and market conditions. The problem they face is not the fact that economic conditions or market conditions are constantly changing and have dramatically changed since the late 90s. The issue does not lie in the fact that buyers are buying in a completely different way from the way they bought in the late 90’s. The problem lies in the fact that the CEO fails to change.

As human beings we are habitual, meaning that we create habits that convert into a routine. The problem with a routine is that it will only produce a certain level of productivity.

Businesses have habits and often these habits are either developed or approved by those at the top. What is a business habit? A business habit is something your business relies on and repeats eventually becoming automatic.

Sales Organizations that find themselves stuck atop a plateau generally either rely on bad habits, or they rely on habits that in the past produced good results, however longer are effective. 


If you find yourself stuck atop the “sales plateau” call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991 or request specific information online at

Remember one thing. Extreme conditions create extreme behavior. This means that when sales become flat or economic conditions become extreme we become extreme in our behavior. When external factor change, so must we. 


Business Owners; Request our CEO Growth Barrier Tool Kit Visit

If you are not gaining the traction necessary to get to the next level or gaining the results you need it is now time to examine your business habits and re-engineer them, maybe even ask for help. This again is very difficult for the CEO, President or Business Owner as they more often than not are the ones providing help and support to others within their organization. However who do you rely on? Who do you count on for support and structure when things get tough? CEO’s take our Complimentary CEO Diagnostic to identify where you stand VS where you deserve to be. 



Successful Businesses Have Successful Habits...To read the balance of this Tip Please visit