Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Extreme Sales Conditions create Extreme Sales Behavior

extreme sales behavior

Extreme Sales Conditions create Extreme Sales Behavior. The Impact to the Business Owner.
Business Owners; Do you continue to invest more time and money into hiring sales reps, investing in advertising and the continuous process of attempting to motivate sales people?

The real question is; are you actually achieving real growth?

Let’s first examine the problems.

Mistake # 1; Extreme conditions create extreme behavior. Stop falling prey to repetitive non productive activities. Business Owners (human beings in general) tend to do more of what doesn't work for less! More advertising, more sales meetings, more hiring and more time spent trying to motivate de-motivated non producers. Change is the answer!

Many Business Owners adversely impact their margins by spending more money on new bonus structures, new sales reps or new ad campaigns. The problem here is that you are relying on doing more of what isn’t working as opposed to implementing real change.

Many Business Owners also fall prey to the complaints, excuses and bad attitudes of sales people who say they have no leads, or no one to call. opposed to dealing with the actual problem, lackluster prospecting efforts and poor closing skills, they again adversely impact their margins by investing in more advertising and adversely impact their own mental state by continuing to motivate non producers in this manner. They simply want you to spend more money for them to get more leads, to have more opportunity to close LESS business!

Business Owners: Request our CEO Sales Barrier and Growth Info Kit today.

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How Good Sales Production of the past Impacts your profit margin today!

Sales in the late nineties were very predictable and just seemed to come. Many today who think they are real sales producers were simply the beneficiary of that great economic bubble. Sales today are anything but predictable and most sales people are simply ill equipped to deal with the inevitable sales barriers they face each day. Relying on a few rainmakers to attain sustainable growth these days just does not work. These rainmakers merely allow you to remain above water. Relying on past lackluster hiring criteria in order to increase the number of feet on the street also does little more than compound your sales problem.

Today the most successful sales organizations are run by Presidents or Business Owners who focus on systems and structure to elevate sales production. This is opposed to a “wing it” mentality of hiring more sales people who will ultimately acclimate and fall into the same level of lackluster performance as the rest of your sales team. For more on modifying sales routines, implementing sales criteria/process and attitudinal training, contact Peak Performance today at 1-866-816-0991

Transform your “sales frustration" into "Your Sales System"

To read the balance of this tip please visit http://www.peakperformancesalestraining.com/content/extreme-sales-conditions-create-extreme-sales-behavior

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